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Compensation For A Back Injury At Work

Compensation For A Back Injury At Work

A back-related accident at work can have a huge effect on your life and income. For many, this means making a claim makes sense. But when it comes to compensation for a back injury at work, how much can you claim? The most important thing to understand going in is that every case is different. […]

How Long After An Accident At Work Can You Claim?

How Long After An Accident At Work Can You Claim

If you believe you have been injured at work and it wasn’t your fault, you may be entitled to make a work accident compensation claim. But how long after an accident at work can you claim? As a general rule, the time limit is three years after the incident – or when you became aware […]

How To Claim For An Accident At Work

Injured Back At Work

Figuring out how to claim for an accident at work can seem confusing at first glance. It doesn’t have to be though. Read our “How to claim for an accident at work” guide now. When injured at work, you have rights to protect you. These include the right to be properly compensated if your employer […]

Work Accident Compensation Claim

Work Accident Compensation Claim

Can I be fired for making a work accident compensation claim? Most people worry that if they make a work accident compensation claim, their employer may fire them. If this is the situation you are in, don’t worry. UK law has you covered. You cannot legally be dismissed from work because you are bringing a […]

Injured Back At Work

Injured Back At Work

Injured back at work? Here’s what to do Injured back at work? You’re not alone. Around 11 million days of sick leave related to back injuries are reported in the UK each year. It’s not just those who work in professions where lifting heavy items is common either. Along with construction site workers and those […]

Injured At Work Lawyers

Injured At Work Lawyers

Do injured at work lawyers cover mental health? Mental health is becoming more widely recognised as equal to physical health in terms of the impact it can have on our lives. If you have been psychiatrically injured at work, lawyers – specifically, personal injury specialists – are definitely here to help you. Unfortunately though, you […]

Workplace Accident Lawyer

What should my employer do after an accident at work? As specialist workplace accident lawyers, let us explain the process for you. After you have reported an accident to your employer, there are certain procedures they need to follow. Any work accident lawyer will be deeply familiar with this process because it so often has […]

I Had An Accident At Work, What Are My Rights In The UK?

Manual handling At Work

“I had an accident at work, what are my rights in the UK?” This is the question that thousands of people find themselves asking after one of the shocking 441 000 incidents that happen in workplaces across the country every year. If you have not experienced an accident in the workplace before, this can be […]

Accident At Work Lawyer

Injured Back At Work

Does An Accident At Work Lawyer Cover Workplace Assault? Yes. If you have suffered a workplace assault, talking to an accident at work lawyer should be near the top of your list of actions to take. Because every person, no matter their job, should expect to be able to go to work and return home […]

Work Accident Lawyers

Work Accident Lawyers

Work Accident Lawyers’ Hotspot: The Building Site The Health and Safety Executive’s report for the year 2022-23 shows why construction and building sites are such a hotspot for the cases brought to work accident lawyers: In that year alone, 69 000 workers had been off for work-related illness. 53 000 had suffered non-fatal injuries. And […]